Improving the quality and length of life

of rural Californians through advocacy, collaboration and education.
Building Rural Communities Through Collaboration

The CSRHA Annual Conference brings together healthcare leaders from rural clinics, hospitals, and rural health partners for a candid discussion about what rural health communities are doing to remain resilient and thrive in this challenging environment. Attendees will leave inspired and empowered to effect change.

2024 Conference icon


We advocate for positive rural health policy & programs.


 We share ideas, best practices and strategies.


We provide access to conferences, reports, resources.

Together our voices are louder and stronger

Since 1995, the California State Rural Health Association has been engaged in making sure that the needs and voices of rural Californians are expressed and heard!  In February 2017, the Board of Directors voted to continue that tradition and add to an initiative to engage the many non health organizations and individuals that have great impact on rural health.


New Episode - 30
Unlocking the Power of Diversity in Medical Research

Dr. Martin Mendoza, the Director of Health Equity for the All of Us Research Program, joins CSRHA board president Scott Hertzberg. Together, they explore the program's mission, how it's reaching out to rural communities, and the unique ways it's empowering individuals to take control of their health.


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Dr. Martin Mendoza
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Our Podcast hit 2500 Downloads!

Thank you so much to all of you who have taken the time to check us out and tune in to what we're offering. We are excited to bring you more in 2023! Stay Tuned!

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