Health Net’s Commitment to Supporting Members & Preserving Access to Care
Founded more than 40 years ago, Health Net is proud to be one of the state’s longest-serving and most experienced Medi-Cal partners. We prioritize closing health equity gaps by working with local partners to meet members where they are and enhancing access to quality care. That’s why this year, as the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) undergoes its redetermination process to verify if current Medi-Cal members still qualify for Medi-Cal, we’re working hard to ensure that members have the resources and information they need to secure their coverage.
Suspended during the pandemic, the redetermination process restarted on April 1, 2023, for the first time since 2020. This will take place over the next 14 months as county health agencies verify if approximately 10 million Californians currently on Medi-Cal still qualify for this coverage. DHCS estimates that up to three million Californians may lose their Medi-Cal coverage through redetermination. Fortunately, residents may be eligible for financial assistance to secure coverage via Covered California.
With nearly two-thirds of our members being Medi-Cal enrollees, supporting our partners and members as they navigate this complex process is our top priority. As such, Health Net has developed a Provider and CBO Toolkit to provide assets for providers in informing their communities about these important changes coming through the Medi-Cal Redetermination process.
We’re proud to offer these resources to our partners to ensure Californians maintain their coverage. With this toolkit, providers can use our suite of social media assets, print our designed flyers to place around their offices, send emails directly to patients with messaging from our email template and update their website with pre-drafted language – all with the goal of helping direct current Medi-Cal members to the right resources.
If you’re a provider reading this or work with a CBO who needs ready-made materials to inform their community about redetermination, please make sure to check out this toolkit and leverage these resources to ensure your patients are confirming their eligibility and renewing their Medi-Cal coverage in time. We need your help to keep eligible Medi-Cal beneficiaries covered. You should also feel free to reach out to Health Net by emailing if you have questions or would like to co-brand these materials with your organization’s logo.